Saturday 14 February 2009

Happy Valentines Day??

Well here we are. On a day dedicated to lovers. I myself have never been a fan of this day due to the commercial nature it has become. Also I am somewhat tinged with a little bit of jealousy seeing people prance about with lovers and I am stuck on my own. Such contrast to last year when I was with someone leading to a night I dare not go into on this blog (hehe)

Anyway I digress. My reason for this entry is not to come across as bitter towards today but to vent how I feel. My thoughts towards this day refelct how I want to feel with relationships in general. To quote Canadian comedian John Lajoie "I don't give a fuck". This fundamentally is where I desire to be. I want to be in that place where if I find someone then great but if not then "I don't give a fuck!" I guess it is hard for me to find someone considering my conflicting locations, being York and Southampton, making it hard to form any meaningful relationship with a girl.

Now that I have that out the way, I do wish couples a happy Valentines day. Enjoy the night ahead!!!!! Just do not tell me about it in the following few days cos quite frankly if you tell me, I will rip your head off and shit down your neck :P.

Much love to you all


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