Thursday, 29 January 2009

You What???

Well to a lot of people this will seem trivial at pedantic. A couple of nights ago, I awoke to some serious hunger pangs and deemed it necessary to buy doner meat and chips. Now at home, this would involve a visit to the legend that is Yorks Yummy Chicken (Pigeon?!?) Now for me it is standard to have paprika with my doner meat and chips, I must add here that the paprika from YYC is sexual to say the least, and decided to ask for some from the place i eventually chose. Horror struck when it kebab vendor exclaimed they didnt have paprika!!. Oh boy did my heart sink. Doner meat and chips without paprika. Nightmare!!!!! Ah well, I thought, I will go ahead with the purchase and just add garlic sauce instead. People this was the worst meal I have ever had the displeasure of eating. It is an insult to the good name of YYC and I vow never to return there again.

As I said at the start, this may seem random and petty, but for me it is baaaaaad. Suppose it goes to show how boring life can get during exam periods haha.

Bog love to you all xxx

Sunday, 25 January 2009

New Hair

So here it is, my new hair style. I have been talking to a few people down here for a while now about doing something outlandish/stylish with my mop and yesterday, I finally did. Went to VK in Southampton, where the hairdresser herself, was fairly sceptical of what the final outcome could become. Needless to say, she loved what it looked like in the end and I dare say, it looks rather good! I have to say, that they don't half treat you well in VK. I went in, and was given a complimentary drink and biccie (chocolate no less hehe) and they were always pleasant and not the least bit pretencious, which you normally get in places like that. Anyway hoping to come home soon so you York folk can tell me what you think!!!

big love to you all xx

Thursday, 8 January 2009